Friday, April 21, 2006

Mission Control

This an oldy, but goody. It happened at my previous job.

I received a call from a VP in one of our branch locations because he needed some help using an Act database. He wanted to know how to select multiple contacts. My thoughts: "Yay, an easy call."

First, I explain that he simply needs to hold down ctrl while selecting multiple contacts from the list. I wait, fully expecting him to tell me he is all set.

Unfortunately the call goes something like this:

VP: "It isn't working."

Me: "What do you mean."

VP: "I'm clicking, but it is not selecting more than one."

Me: "Ok, let's do this one step at a time. Select your first contact."

VP: "Ok"

Me: "Hold down the Ctrl key."

VP: "Ok"

Me: "Select another contact."

VP: "It didn't work."

Me: "Let's try again. Select your first contact."

VP: "Ok"

Me: "Is it highlighted in blue?"

VP: "No, it is grey."

Me: "Did you change your color scheme, so that highlights are grey?"

VP: "Yes"

Me: "Ok, that is good. Hold down the Ctrl key."

VP: "Ok"

Me: "Do not let go of the Ctrl key and click on another contact."

VP: "It didn't work."

We repeat this procedure at least two more times. Finally as we go through it again and we get somewhere.

Me: "Hold down the Ctrl key."

VP: "What Ctrl key?"

Me: "The one on your keyboard."

VP: "Oh, you didn't say that before."

Me: "Does it work now."

VP: "Yes, thanks."

When the call ended I remember sitting there for a few seconds contemplating what just happened. To this day, I still have no idea what key he may have been pushing instead of Ctrl and I've yet to meet someone else who doesn't know what the Ctrl key is while at the office.


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