Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Special People

So today I'm minding my own business ordering new computers, setting up user accounts and what not...when I am interrupted by someone that I can only classify as special.

The question...
When I try look at my personal folders in Outlook, I get an error message that the path is not found to drive x.

Hmm, this isn't unheard of. Sometimes the login script fails and the drive is not mapped. Rather than walking special person through mapping the drive, I tell them to reboot which will cause the login script to run again.

Special returns moments later to tell me that it didn't work. The conversation goes like this:

Me: Can you get to drive x:?
Special: Yes.
Me: Have you moved or deleted any files from drive x recently?
Special: Oh yeah, I think I deleted my mail.
Me: Do you need your mail?
Special: Yes.

@(*$%#*(%#(*^#!(*)(*&!, WTF? Seriously if you need it, why did you delete it? It was stored in a folder called mail. Could would be anymore descriptive with the name? So, of course I went and restored the files.

This incident was followed up with a visit from another special user. Special #2's cell phone headset had died and my boss said special could go purchase one anywhere and expense it. Why did special need to talk to me? Well you see, special didn't know where to go to purchase one. That's right, apparently special lives under a rock.

I suggested Bestbuy, Staples, or Circuit City as all are nearby. Then I asked if the phone was a Cingular phone because there is also a Cingular store. Special stared blankly at me, held up the phone and said, "I don't know. It is Samsung if that helps." From across my cube I could see the Verizon logo. I nodded and said go to Bestbuy.