Friday, December 15, 2006

Spam, Spam, Spam

Yes, I love the spam filter.

We upgraded the spam filter the other day. For some reason it stopped functioning correctly and more spam was sneaking through than normal. Mind you, I was still blocking about 12,000 spam messages.

Anyway, I sent out an email stating that I was aware of the problem and that I was working with the vendor to fix the influx of spam. Do you know what happened?

I received 50...count 'em 50, responses saying yes, I am getting more spam. Hello...didn't I just say I was working on it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Let's see what else...

Someone asked why the spam filter doesn't catch spam in their AOL account when they check their mail from work. Hmmmm...I wonder?

Lastly, riddle me this Batman? What does whitelist mean? Yes, that's right when I sent an email out about whitelisting, people wrote back asking me what that means.

Ignoring the fact that there were contextual clues within my email that should allow a normal person to figure it out on their own...what does blacklist mean in the real world?

If you understand blacklist, wouldn't whitelist be the opposite?