Thursday, November 16, 2006

I need a new computer... & and Analogy For You

I've got many excuses for not posting, but none are any good. Rather than type up an explanation, here's a new entry for you.

First an analogy:

Disable wireless is to wireless as
Disable LAN is to ?

If you aren't smart enough to figure out the answer, you really shouldn't be reading this blog, but just in case, the answer is LAN!

The other day I received an email where about 9 people were cc'd. (I love when that happens.) The email stated that their laptop wouldn't connect to the network and that we needed to order a new one for them.

Let me fill you in on one important little fact before we continue. Last week this person complained to me that the laptop didn't connect to their Internet connection at home. Since their connection at home is wired, I suggested that they turn off wireless. This is because WindowsXP is so stupid that it will preferentially pick a flaky/non-operational wireless connection over a perfectly good wired connection. Instructions: Go to start, connections, show all connections, and then right click the wireless connection. Choose disable and you are done.

Back to this email message. I replied back to all 9 people. (Since they cc'd all those people to make me look like an ass, I cc'd back.) My suggestion was the user disabled the LAN connection rather than wireless after our conversation last week. If they disable LAN, then the computer no longer sees the network. Enable LAN and it should work just fine. Of course this fixed the problem.

My question to you? If you know you want to turn off wireless, why would you pick anything other than wireless. When you view all connection there are 3 available: LAN, VPN, and wireless. It is called wireless, what the heck is wrong with these people?