Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Your Spamminess...

Dear Cranky Sys Admin,

I am still getting 20 spam mails a day, can you fix the spam filter?

Yours Truly,




My spam filter catches 680 spam emails to you per day and 20 make it through. That is a 97% catch rate. That is pretty effin good if you ask me. Perhaps if you used hotmail or something else for your non-work related email, you wouldn't have this problem. I've got better things to do, please stop wasting my time.

Your Crankiness.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Captain, I think she's dead.

My department received a call that someone's laptop wouldn't boot. Since the user suspected hard drive, we went with that and had him send the laptop in for us to look at.

He Fedexed it to an office that I happened to be working in for one day and one day only! I opened up the laptop, turned it on and it immediately shutdown. In my head... "Fark, this thing needs to be charged."

So, I plug it in and it boots up fine. WTF? I'm about to set scandisk to run on the next boot when the lightbulb finally goes off. I glance down and notice the battery is 3% charged. Why did it take me this long to figure it out? I should have known the second, I tried to power it on.

That's right, the guy sent me his dead laptop which just needed to be plugged in. Either the power cord wasn't plugged in or the outlet he was plugged into didn't have power.