Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Is the light on?

I haven't posted in awhile. This is not due to lack of available content. I've just been very busy at work. We have lots of new hires and I have been traveling as well.

Last week I received a call from someone with a laptop who was trying to login to VPN. It wasn't working. VPN starts to connect, they type their username and password and then it disconnects. Obviously the problem is either they don't know their password or numlock/capslock is on.

Since they are new, I assumed they know their password. So, I ask if numlock or capslock is on. I immediately get the a response of no. Generally, a quick response like that implies that they didn't check. That being said, I asked if the numlock or capslock light was on.

Guess what? Numlock was on. Brilliant! Of course their account was locked out after so many failed login attempts, so it was necessary to unlock the account before they could use VPN.

On a similar note, I received an email from someone who could not change their VPN password. After some failed email attempts to help, I found out that VPN is not even installed on their computer.